Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gaea, the Evil Sleeper

Piper Mclean has been described as "different" since she was born. However, she wanted to fit in. She didn't want to be noticed as "the girl with the pretty looks" so she cut her hair herself, she wore clothes that didn't look nice, and didn't want anyone doing something extra for her. Of course, we found out that she was the daughter of Aphrodite, the Goddess of love and beauty. Her father, Mr. Mclean, is a famous movie star in the mortal world and he never paid much attention to her. All she wanted was to be noticed so she stole, acted out, and tried anything to get her dad to listen. Unfortunately, he didn't. Piper Mclean is determined to show her father that she can be the daughter he always dreamed of. She is a beautiful, determined, unique Aphrodite daughter. She helped the demi-god team with her unique power, charmspeaking. This is a power that convinces people to do anything she asks them to do.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How do the actions and decisions of people effect change?

If you really think about it, we all follow what other people do and decide. If a new trend of a certain designer clothes goes around, in weeks everyone in your school is wearing the same thing. Brunelleschi was considered a crazy person as he told his plan to build a humongous dome with no scaffolding. At this time it had never been done and even the thought of that was extremely insane. But Brunelleschi would not give up. He came back and asked the people to stand an egg on its narrow end and no one could. Brunelleschi simply cracked the bottom of the egg and there was their dome with no scaffolding. In 1436 the dome was finished and a new error started. People started thinking outside the box, exploring new things. Just like a trend, one day something starts and in months it is going around the world. Fillipo Brunelleschi made a decision and acted out and did effect people and that was when the "Renaissance" started to really occur.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where do new ideas come from?

Where do new ideas come from? Well, I'll admit it's a complex question. But they come from everywhere. They can come from your friend, imagination, trusting your instincts, and sometimes just plain thinking. For example, how did people come up with paper, electricity, even flight? So many fantastic ideas come from such small things. Lots of times someone will consider you as a "copy cat" because you added on to another person's idea but to be honest, they are wrong. Lots of times I will just be sitting around in class, thinking of something to do for my project and voila! Sometimes just plain thinking can help a lot. Also, lots of ideas come from instincts. If you look at the movies and the people are about to get eaten by a monster, they come up with a plan last minute by their instincts. Yes, I know, it's only the movies but in some ways we can relate. If we are in desperate situations we tend to go by our first instinct. So, though many people think that ideas come from a certain thing, I don't believe that. I think it comes from everything that is offered to us.

Where do new ideas come fron>

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Favourite Short Story From Our Unit

If I had to choose between "The Sniper", "Thank You Ma'am" and "Lamb to the Slaughter"I would have to choose "Lamb to the Slaughter". I say this because the suspense really catches my attention. At the beginning, I will admit, it came to be a little boring because it had about 3 or 4 paragraphs on how she looked and her baby. Yes, it was a good introduction but it didn't exactly grip me at the beginning. But I found it very interesting how she knew exactly what to do when she had killed her husband and how calculating and clever she was. In the beginning of the story she came across as a normal housewife but it was interesting to see how smart she really was.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Name

Wow... My name is Russian, English, and French. Can you imagine ME RUSSIAN??? I mean... I am Italian! It's... Ordinary and easy to get used to. I've never really thought of changing my name. The only time I wanted to change it was when I was very little and I had a big thing for "my little pony" and I wanted my name to be Rainbow Tail. My name means... Born on Christmas. I love Christmas so I am sort of proud of it. I was also named Natalie because my mom's favorite singers were Natalie Imbruglia, Natalie Merchent, and Natalie Maines in the Dixie Chicks, and I have come to like these singers too. I was also given a nick name from my friends in fifth grade called "Nat" (short for NATalie) and people thought of it like the the word "Gnat" and that means an annoying little bug. So.... That's pretty much all I can think of now when it comes to my name. :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Describing Odysseus

For the first trimester of 2009 my journey book that was picked by Mr. Peters is Odysseus. It is about a man named Odysseus and he is in a big war trying to take over many countries. This has lasted for over 10 whole years. He goes through many obstacles but his goal is to make it home to his family with his wife and son. He is very Determined and strong. The only time he saw his son was when he was a little baby, 10 years have passed and now he is trying with all his strength to get his wife and son back in his arms. So far his obstacles have been finding their men in the jungle. There were men who tried to give them fruit that would take away their memory. They got out of their but only managed to get into more trouble by coming onto a land that was owned by Cyclops. These cyclops trapped them and killed two men every time they were supposed to have their normal meal. The men suffered through their friends dieing and them having their brains blown out. But in the end they found a way to get out of the cave and got their freedom by attacking the cyclops. So far those are the obstacles that have really stood out.